#13. Google Calendar Tips for Busy SLPs

Ever felt overwhelmed juggling your professional and personal life? What if a simple tool like Google Calendar were the answer? In this podcast-episode-turned-blog-post, I'm breaking down the hidden power of Google Calendar, sharing tips that can help busy SLPs maximize its capabilities to streamline both work and life. From setting reminders for your continuing education requirements to using color-coding for clients and tasks, you'll walk away with practical, actionable insights you can start utilizing today.

And speaking of calendars, have you heard the news? I created a digital planner for 2024 that blends digital convenience with the tactile satisfaction of traditional pen-and-paper planning. Want me to let you know when it's available for purchase?
Get notified when the digital planner is released. 

Rather listen than read? Tune in to the podcast episode here.

  1. Setting Working Hours: You can set your working hours within Google Calendar, making it clear when you're available for appointments. This can be done for personal reference or for others to book appointments with you.

  2. Scheduling Workflow: Use Google Calendar to schedule tasks and workflow, not just appointments. This can help you plan and allocate time for various work-related activities, such as professional development, marketing, and goal setting.

  3. Color Coding: Assign different colors to events in Google Calendar to quickly identify different types of tasks or appointments. This visual organization can help you manage your time more efficiently.

  4. Reminders and Notifications: Enable notifications for your events to receive timely reminders. Setting multiple reminders at different intervals can help ensure you never miss an important event or task.

  5. Location Feature: You can use the location feature to add specific details related to an event, even if it's not a physical location. This can be useful for adding notes or tasks related to an event.

  6. Event Attachments: Attach files or documents to events in Google Calendar. This is helpful for keeping all relevant information in one place, making it easy to access when needed.

  7. Collaborative Features: Share your Google Calendar with colleagues, employees, or family members to coordinate schedules and avoid scheduling conflicts. You can control the level of access they have to your calendar.

  8. Task Integration: If you use Google Tasks, you can integrate your to-do lists and tasks into Google Calendar, allowing you to manage tasks and events in one place.

  9. Search Capability: Utilize the search feature in Google Calendar to quickly find past or future events. This can save time when looking for specific appointments or tasks.

These features can enhance productivity, time management, and organization, but if you’re looking to take this one step further, book a consult today and find out how I can help.


#14. Three Innovative Ways to Schedule Your Time as a Busy SLP


#12. Mastering Time Management: A Three-Step Approach for Speech Pathologists