#19. Behind the Scenes of my Virtual Planning Event - 10 Lessons Learned

My recent launch revealed 10 powerful lessons about time management and today I’m sharing them with you. Each lesson is something you can apply to your own time management journey, especially when it comes to tackling some of your biggest goals.

Rather listen than read? Tune in to the podcast episode here.

As ambitious women and speech pathologists, we often set big goals and aspirations for ourselves, whether in our personal lives or our professional careers. However, I have found that the real learning comes not from achieving the goals themselves, but from our pursuit to accomplish them. In this blog post, I’m sharing 10 lessons I learned from a recent planning event so that you can apply these lessons on your journey to better time management skills.

Lesson 1: Write Down Your Goals and Review Them

Writing down our goals, whether on paper or in digital documents, is critical to success. The act of writing down your goals and periodically reviewing them is crucial. By recording your goals, you create a tangible reminder of your aspirations. This simple yet effective practice ensures that your objectives remain present in your mind.

Lesson 2: Keep an Open Mind

When tackling significant goals or projects, it is common for them to feel daunting, time-consuming, and overwhelming. We often overestimate the effort required and become reluctant to start. This is where keeping an open mind comes into play. Embrace the possibility that the task might not be as challenging as you initially thought. The mental energy spent contemplating a project's enormity can be more substantial than the energy required to complete it. Approach your goals with an open mind, ready to adapt to the actual requirements.

Lesson 3: Embrace the Importance of Mindset

Mindset plays a pivotal role in achieving your goals. When facing a substantial goal or project, thoughts of fear, hesitation, and overwhelm may arise. These thoughts can become obstacles, potentially preventing you from even attempting to work towards your goals. It's crucial to acknowledge these thoughts and understand that they are a natural part of the process. Ask yourself what you are afraid of, what you think might go wrong, and who you need to become to achieve your goal. Self-awareness and the right mindset are essential.

Lesson 4: Understand the Order of Operations

Just like in math, where an equation has a specific order of operations, your goals and projects also require a structured approach. Break down your goals into smaller, manageable steps. Determine the correct order in which to tackle these steps. Understanding the order of operations helps prevent confusion and ensures that you make efficient progress.

Lesson 5: Give Yourself Deadlines

Setting deadlines for your goals and projects is vital, especially when they lack inherent time constraints. A firm deadline motivates you to stay on track and complete tasks efficiently. If a goal lacks a natural deadline, create one for yourself. Deadlines provide a sense of urgency and structure to your efforts.

Lesson 6: Employ Backwards Planning

Backwards planning, also known as reverse engineering, is a valuable strategy for reaching your goals. Start with your ultimate goal and work backwards to identify the steps and tasks needed to achieve it. This approach ensures a logical progression and helps you create a realistic timeline.

Lesson 7: Schedule the Time

Scheduling time for goal-related tasks is essential. If a task is not on your calendar, it often gets pushed aside and forgotten. You can choose between macro planning (putting a general project on your calendar, such as “Evaluation Report”) and micro planning (scheduling the individual tasks on your calendar, such as “Score the assessment, write Background Information section, and write Interpretation of Results section”). Find the approach that works best for you and stick to your schedule.

Lesson 8: Leave Room for the Margins

While it's important to set deadlines and follow a schedule, it's equally important to anticipate unforeseen challenges. Things may take longer than expected, or unexpected obstacles may arise. Leaving room for "margins" in your timeline ensures that you can adapt and address unexpected issues without derailing your progress.

Lesson 9: Don't Be Afraid to Pivot

When encountering roadblocks or challenges, it's essential not to be afraid to pivot or change your plan as needed. Troubleshoot issues and adapt your strategy when necessary. Be open to alternative solutions, and never let setbacks deter you from your goals.

Lesson 10: Perfection Does Not Exist

Perfectionism can be a form of procrastination. Understand that there is no such thing as perfect, and striving for perfection can delay your progress. Instead, focus on completing your tasks and goals effectively, even if they are not flawless.

Tackling your biggest goals is a journey that involves careful planning, organization, and the right mindset. By applying these ten valuable lessons, you can work towards your goals with clarity, efficiency, and a structured approach. Remember that setting and reaching your goals is a process, and learning from your experiences will make you better equipped for future endeavors. Stay committed, remain open to change, and never lose sight of your aspirations.

Ready to take your time management to the next level? Reach out for a consult and I’ll tell you how I can help.


#20. Digging Into Boundaries and SLP Guilt with Published Author Mindy Hudon


#18. Use My Time Buckets System to Manage Your Time